Street Generation(s): 40 years of Urban Art

Bringing art on the street to the museum or gallery is certainly not an easy task.  You can’t escape it. Somehow somewhere, you will see it, accidently. It will appear in front of your eyes, either in the place that you expected to find them, or in the most unexpected place. Yes,  I am talking…More

Trespassing Viola’s Video

Each piece of Bill Viola’s work always has particular serenity that makes people need to stay longer facing them. I’ve seen several of Viola’s, and while staring at it, each time I always wonder what is it in there? Is it the subtle movement? Is it the expression of its subject? Is it the articulations…More

…and see you later !

It was just an ordinary day. She was standing in front of the kitchen table and thinking what should she cook for dinner. She had chicken leftover from last night. A bit of mashed potatoes, no vegetables but broccoli. Nobody in the house likes broccoli. She just like to buy it every time she went…More

Bidadari di Atas Kustendorf

Emir Kusturica, sutradara ternama kelahiran Sarajevo, tiba-tiba mengejutkan orang dengan sesuatu yang berbeda. Oktober lalu, ia bertandang ke Brussel untuk menerima penghargaan Philippe Rotthier Prize for the Reconstruction of the City. Ini penghargaan arsitektur prestisius yang diberikan tiga tahun sekali oleh Foundation of Architecture Uni Eropa yang berpusat di Brussel. Penghargaan itu diraih Kusturica untuk…More

Air Mata Uang Menghina Tuhan

Di Belgia, ateisme melenggang masuk gereja. Seorang pendeta dituntut, dan arti Kristen kembali dipertanyakan. INI kasus baru dengan langgam lama: ada manusia dituduh menghina Tuhan, lalu sekelompok manusia lain merasa wajib menghukum. Tertuduh pertama, Kazimierz Piotrowski, setahun lalu dipecat sebagai kurator dan ketua asosiasi pematung Museum Nasional Warsawa, Polandia. Dua pekan lalu, lahir tertuduh kedua:…More